Okay I am so sorry for keeping you all un-entertained for the past few weeks. But hey, who in this world isn't lazy to update? :/
So. Singapore. Ohemgee seriously I have no intention to update everything about it, so here's some photos! :
Far Far Away! Yes people, I WENT TO USS! ♥ | | | | |
finally got try out macaroons on my birthday! Man, they're sweet :9 |
had a huge surprise gift from my parents. AN IPOD TOUCH WTF! I couldn't believe it! |
went to USS again with Dan when she came down to sg! We love puss in boots :) |
well that's a super short and un-detailed summary on my holiday @ singapore. If you want to see more pictures then..come to my house la. I didn't even upload many pics in my March album on facebook :D
Okay so singapore's done. Here's what you guys missed about my life :
2 weeks ago, my sejarah project group and I went to MBPJ to get some info about it. Had some fun :) |
had my first photography club duty for the spm results day. |
brought my camera *without permission* to school yesterday and took some photos with classmates! |
k la i lazy to update on more. NEXT TIME, I PROMISE!
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