Monday, September 06, 2010

2 weeks? D:

eshin, if you are reading this, I'M SORRY BECAUSE I KNOW YOU HATE CATS
(pic was ripped from Hao Yi's tumblr)

hey people. as you can see i changed my layout and yeah you know lah.
THE @#$%^&*( HEADER TOOK ME 4 HOURS TO FINISH!!!! Quite satisfied with the result though!!! *syok sendiri syok sendiri*

holidays are here. good or bad? i still have to study and do tan bee ying's sejarah nota :/
i feel like updating this thang more often since i won't be studying the WHOLE day everyday. I feel that the school is giving us heck of a lot of pressure. 

I mean, come on, we students have to study 10 subjects for finals. KIDIDING ME LAH :(
it's 11.17am now and i'm supposed to study at 12 (I PROMISED MYSELF!).

okay i'll update again later or tmr to keep myself entertained.

Song of the day : Crazier - Taylor Swift. It's in my playlist :)

sigining off!

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