Friday, June 18, 2010

bum bum dee dum bum bum dee dum dum !

went blog hopping just now and came across a tag! a PICTURE tag! (:

1, an adorable picture of yourself.

 adorable hor :P

2, a picture of your best friends.

 and many, many more (:

3, a picture of your boyfriend/girlfriend.


4,the latest picture you took.

 (xiu hui thinks the statue is kee sheng jie >_>)

5, a silly picture of yourself.

  epic PHAIL.

 6, a picture with your family

7, a picture that makes you happy.

and many more!

8, a picture that makes you sad.

 this reminds me that after the holidays, grades come in D;

9, a picture of your favorite kind of food.




*i purposely put the pics bigger to make you guys hungry :P

10, a picture of the opposite sex, that's your close friend.

 HAH! xD

11, a picture of you on the beach.

12, a picture of you in your room.


13, a picture of you and your ex.

  kinda glad that i got rid of her anyway!

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